Thoughts on my leadership style

Those who've been keeping up with my Twitter posts know that I'm at the EduCAUSE Learning Technology Leadership program right now, which is giving me plenty of opportunities to introspect -- one of my favorite activities! And what I'm pondering right now is my "personal leadership style". I found in today's "project meeting" (we've been put into a "team" and were given just under 47 hours to bang out and deliver a proposal) that my natural inclination is to listen to the "vision" of those around me and then start reaching into my miscellaneous knowledge to find a way to implement that vision.

(For instance, we discussed the idea to find low-cost ways of engaging students in the community. I immediately thought that one low-paid university staffer could serve as "volunteer community coordinator" and work with the volunteer groups in the city -- organizations that would love to have students help them and would probably even help develop ways of documenting the particpation.)

Does this mean that I'm not a "leader" because, instead of casting a strategic vision, I'm looking for ways to ways to tactically implement others' vision?

(I don't think that's the case... but that's the rhetorical question I'm pondering...)

Hey, if you're reading this and know who I am, you know how to get in touch with me -- drop me a note and say "Hi!". :)


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