
Showing posts from January, 2010

Update on mom's surgery - 38 seconds

Voicemail_20100129214018Z.wav Sounds like they're just doing a block rather than general anesthetic; surgery should take an hour but the surgeon was running behind so mom's running later than the original 2:20 start.

Discussing "benefits" vs. "features"

The sender of this email would like to share an episode of a podcast with you: Podcast Title: Blog Business Success | Blog Talk Radio Feed Episode: Christy Strauch: Passion, Plan, Profit - Jan 29,2010 Media URL: if (FlashDetect.installed) { $('flash_embed-dearHjBblE').show(); $('quicktime_embed-dearHjBblE').hide(); } else { $('quicktime_embed-dearHjBblE').show(); $('flash_embed-dearHjBblE').hide(); } Podcast feed URL:

YouTube - Apple I-Pad

[youtube] Steve needs to learn how to search YouTube (or Google?) before deciding on product names...

Don't joke; it's coming! We have everything in place to do "automated lives" now (pairing Google Latitude with Foursquare), and that'd get the majority of information-distribution covered. What more is there to life? I kid, but there's a serious question there: is it hard to put your finger on what's over-and-above the basic "times, days, places" facts of our life? That reminds me... I need to take my Daily Mug Shot today...

Techdirt: Should IT Be Run As A Business?

YouTube - Tyrone Wells - "More"


Engaging Believers

I'm still reeling from a really observant point made by someone at a leadership team meeting of a regional men's ministry. He said "The traditional definition of insanity is doing the same things expecting different results. But I think the opposite is true, too; we plan new outreach and ministries but don't expect a different outcome from what we see now. If the Spirit is moving, we'll see men rise above their nature or psychology." That's the #1 struggle I have with my Christian life: if I care about the things I profess, why don't I see an intrinsic (not of self, but of Spirit) motivation unstoppably bubbling up inside of me? The standard response of "in your natural state you'd be [insert bad thing here] and the fact you're not there is thanks to God's power" might be true... Or it might not, and the answer is certainly too easy and "pat" to give any real satisfaction or direction.

Describing the coming Messiah

I was reading John Crotts' book Craftsmen this morning and in chapter 3 he's discussing the wisdom of Jesus as outlined in the book of Isaiah, which describes the coming Messiah.  In Isaiah 11:4 we read: but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. So far, so good.  Very wise.  Good standard.  But then Isaiah goes on to the second half of verse 4: He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Knowing what we do about Jesus and His life... this doesn't seem to describe Him.  From our New Testament theology we know that His future work will include this kind of judgment... but other than the famous "turning over the tables in the temple" incident, Jesus really didn't do the striking and slaying thing. I have to admit, if I witnessed my "messiah" being beaten to a pulp and dragged into an electric chair or gas chamber by the fore...

Is lecturing dead? Why is it still so tempting to do?

The sender of this email would like to share an episode of a podcast with you: Podcast Title: APM: Future Tense Episode: Teaching the iGeneration Media URL: if (FlashDetect.installed) { $('flash_embed-wrGcAmHzCz').show(); $('quicktime_embed-wrGcAmHzCz').hide(); } else { $('quicktime_embed-wrGcAmHzCz').show(); $('flash_embed-wrGcAmHzCz').hide(); } Podcast feed URL:

I'm still here...

...But juggling four theological books right now so I have no coherent thoughts to share. Thanks for checking, and stay tuned...

udutu | online learning simulations made easy  

Talent management system as PLE?

Correction: Discussion begins with the LinkedIn reference at ~0:20:40 and the subsequent "employee-driven portfolio of contributions" - - - - - - Typed by thumb and sent from my St. Thomas BlackBerry Wireless Device

Talent management system as PLE?

The description at ~15:00 sounds like a PLE or portfolio system at contrasted with an LMS... Podcast Title: First Crack Podcast with Garrick Van Buren Episode: Cold Start #3 ??? Changing Your Startup with Ben Moore Media URL: if (FlashDetect.installed) { $('flash_embed-lxusyIsmzl').show(); $('quicktime_embed-lxusyIsmzl').hide(); } else { $('quicktime_embed-lxusyIsmzl').show(); $('flash_embed-lxusyIsmzl').hide(); } Podcast feed URL: Free tools to improve your career, wealth, health, and more. - - - - - - Typed by thumb and sent from my St. Thomas BlackBerry Wireless Device

Pondering "The Blah Blah Blah Blogging Rules." - - - - - - Typed by thumb and sent from my St. Thomas BlackBerry Wireless Device

Happy New Year!

I was just looking at a friend's theologically-themed blog and thought of chiding him for not posting since December 17... and then I realized it's been awhile since I've posted here. I don't have any dramatic resolutions for 2010 -- maybe I should, but I've never been much of a "resolution" person.  The Christian buzz-word is to make sure you have a "daily quiet time" and I've never been good at that... but "resolving" to do it isn't going to get me any closer to the goal.  I'm hoping to tweak the structure of my life in a few other areas (regular podcasting because it's somthing I love to do, better preparation for my bi-weekly Bible study, less clutter around the house/garage/den) and maybe "quality time with God" will bubble up from that. Is that lame, or is it realistic and prudent?