Books I need to read...

In the "public note to self" from the Podcast Answet Man's episode "281 Leo Laporte Coming To NMX ??? Five Twitter Tips For Getting More Retweets ??? And So Much More"

What Books Have Influenced My Business Pursuits?
I have had several people ask me about the top books that have influenced the decisions that I made in my business. In the episode, I give a short description of how each of the following books have influenced me. Below is the list of the books I mentioned in the episode. Clicking on any of them will take you to their page on Amazing using my Amazon affiliate link.

- 48 Days To The Work You Love ??? Dan Miller
- How To Win Friends And Influence People ??? Dale Carnegie
- Think And Grow Rich ??? Napoleon Hill
- Secrets of The Millionaire Mind ??? T. Harv Eker
- ReWork ??? Jason Fried
- EntreLeadership ??? Dave Ramsey
- Crush It ??? Gary Vanerchuk
- Tribes ??? Seth Godin


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