The world of backlinks and SEO

One common theme of mine is automation -- not "home automation" where robots wash your dishes, but a way of automating conversation, research, personal engagements.  Things where you, a real live person, can be more efficient or effective because a computer does some basic or simple or repetitive task for you.

In that vein, I discovered Zemanta awhile back, which was (is?) a tool for automatically finding related stuff based on what you write in a blog post.

Which I think is pretty cool!  I've got it out at for the Story of America card project (which hasn't seen any action in ages, by the way)

Anyway, I didn't give it much thought, until I found this email way down deep in my archive:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Link Removal
Date: Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 7:20 PM
Subject: I thought you'd want to know...
To: [my website feedback address]


I am working with I wanted to thank you for linking to our site from However, it has come to our attention that this link may have been acquired against Google's Webmaster Guidelines. It is important for us to bring our site into compliance. Could you please remove our link from this page and any other page on your site?
You can find the list of links found on your site below:

Thank You,

No, Link Remove, thank you for the lovely note.  By the way, there's usually a name or signature that goes at the bottom, especially when you're leaving off with "Thank You," ...and that comma just sits there, alone, dangling...

Anyway, Zac Johnson's page is linked from those posts thanks to Zemanta, which is apparently where the problem lies?

I still like Zemanta.  It's the thing that, in one click, let me highlight Zac's name right there!  And it'll take you to his homepage!  Pretty cool, I'd say. And I'm not sure if using to send cryptic messages to bloggers is the best way to boost your SEO.  But maybe it worked in this case?


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