Heading off this morning to help set up a Contagious Christian broadcast at Berean. If this "youth version" is anything like the one I attended this past spring, it should be excellent.

Bo Boshers on CCN Train your students to share their faith comfortably and effectively! And there's no better time than now -- After age nineteen, the chance
of a non-believer coming to Christ drops to 6 percent. That's right: 6 percent. That means your students have a special window of opportunity to make a
difference for the kingdom. And this lively, interactive seminar will give them the tools they need!

Most Christian teens (and adults!) really want to share their faith, but don't know how. Just the thought seems scary. What's so cool is that God wants to use
us the way we are-our interests, our personality, our strengths, and even some of our weaknesses. Your students will be amazed at how these are the very things
the Holy Spirit can use to help them confidently relate to their friends and introduce them to Jesus Christ.

Forget about long, boring lectures. This exciting seminar is full of video clips, lively discussions, role playing, and all kinds of opportunities to interact. Your
students won't just get to know their group members better, they'll get to know themselves better, too. They'll find out which of the six evangelism styles fits
them. They'll learn how to share their faith in a natural, authentic way with other students who need God's love and truth. And they'll discover the unbeatable
joy of seeing people they care about become real followers of Christ!


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