More Photobucket albums! -- here's a link to the main album page, where you can now choose between Christmas 1965 and pictures of my uncle Larry's house when it was just a pile of 2x4s (and, before that, a pile of dirt! Wow!).

I've noticed that the photos are ordered, not by name, but (apparently) by when they're updated -- last one in appears at the top of the page. That's unfortunate but, hey, choosy beggars choose Jif. Wait... that's not right... oh, yeah. "Beggars can't be choosers". That's better.


Norman Larson said…
Typo: uncle Larry's house should be Uncle Larry's house.
emlarson said…
Is it? If I didn't specify Larry as the particular uncle I had in mind, I'd say "at my uncle's house" with a lowercase "U". Since I added "Larry" as a parenthetical comment on which uncle it was, rather than addressing Larry with the title "Uncle", can I get away with the lowercase "u"?
Norman Larson said…
Eric, uncle Larry's house should be Uncle Larry's house. Or: the house of my Uncle Larry, or the house of my uncle, Larry.

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