An UnSundaySchool?

Don Ball of the CoCo collaborative workspace in St. Paul has a great summary of the principle of "unconferences".

"The whole model of an unconference is based on everyone answering the big questions themselves, whereas a traditional conference model is based on everyone listening, often quite passively, to a few peoples??? conclusions. It???s centralized planning versus democracy."

It made me realize something: This is the structure I've been unknowingly following for the adult Sunday School I lead.

It's a learning style that's not cut out everyone -- Grow's learning/instruction model makes that clear -- and that's a value-neutral statement; if it works, great, and if not that's okay too.

The thing that excites me is that I think it's a model not often found in churches. Let's try it!

One last note: We're talking about class format here, not curricular authority. A Bible study is still studying the Bible. But, how do we decide _what_ to study?

The only catch in a Sunday-morning class is the time constraint; hard be democratic plus cohesive in less than an hour...


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