Making Money at Home!

Okay, that's something of a cheezy title, but I'm trying an experiment. Ruth has set up her blog, and it immediately started getting painfully relavant ads served up by Google. My blog, on the other hand, languishes in the world of obscure blog-related advertising. There are a few differences between her template and mine, but one of the big ones is that her posts have titles.

Now, the other thing is, the title of a post is used to populate the title of a blog page, so Google might just be looking at titles alone.

And I fear that maybe my page is blacklisted entirely because it's linked from a full-screen framed page at but I'm not going to worry about that just yet.

So, I'm off to check how my title tag is written and see if it needs a tweak or two...


Norman Larson said…
In your opening paragraph you misspelled relevant. :)
emlarson said…
Yeah, I'd thought that I'd run spell-check on it before submitting it, but I guess not. That's one word that I can never, ever get right.
Norman Larson said…
I hope spell-check knows how to spell it.
Rob said…
Love the new look to your blog... Interesting concept about the title...
Can you tell I like using ... ?

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